基督教鄉村福音佈道團 基督教鄉村福音佈道團-首頁

鄉福代禱消息 2022年9月

Village Gospel Mission Prayer Request, September 2022




一、疫情發展: 近期台灣開始出現Omicron變異株BA.4及BA.5社區案例又適逢學校陸續開學,疫情有升溫的跡象,願主保守疫情的發展並帶領政府能有效防疫。

二、鄉福辦公室: 9/7搬遷至東石基督教會,求主帶領辦公室規劃施工和搬遷順利以及台南原辦公室房屋出售代禱。

            2023暑期雙語營第一次籌備會: 9/2~9/4進行,願神保守同工們有好的休息,也思考未來的運作方向。中秋節後有連續四個週末,由鄉福營會籌備團隊組隊分批前往褒忠教會傳福音,並帶領兒童青少事工。

            1. 蒜頭工作區: 請為兄姊們與神的關係禱告及蒜頭六腳兩邊課輔班的招生。
            2. 東石工作區: 願暑假所撒下的福音種子,不論是兒童或青少都能持續的在教會成長茁壯。

鄉村福音佈道團 敬上






Dear Brothers and Sisters who care about the Village Gospel Mission (VGM), Greetings:

Soon it will be the Mid-Autumn Festival where Taiwanese families reunite. The reunion is not just about delicious moon cakes, barbecues, and other activities, it is importantthat they want to be together among family members and friends. So does the God who loves us want people to be His children, willing to be reconciled and united with Him through Jesus Christ. Thank you for your prayers for the Gospel work in the villages. Although we cannot meet together, we are a family in the Lord. May we wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Prayers Request for September:

1. Pandemic Development: Recently, Omicron variant strains BA.4 and BA.5 community cases have appeared in Taiwan. It coincides with the school opening one after another. The pandemic is showing signs of heating up. May the Lord guard the development of the pandemic and lead the government to effectively prevent the pandemic.

2. The VGM Office: The VGM Office was relocated to Dong-Shi Christian Church on 9/7. Please pray for the smooth planning, construction, and smooth relocation processes of the office and the sale of the original Office building in Tainan.

3. Camp Ministries:
          The first preparatory meeting for the 2023 Summer Bilingual Camp will be held from 9/2 to 9/4. May God protect the co-workers to have a good rest and think about the future direction of operations. For four consecutive weekends after the Mid-Autumn Festival, the preparatory team of the VGM’s Camp Ministries will go to Bao-zhong Church in teams to spread the Gospel and lead the children and youth ministry

4. Prayers request for Ministry Sites:
          (1) Suan-Tou Ministry Site: Please pray for the relationship between brothers and sisters with God and the recruitment of supplementary classes on both Ministry Sites of Suan-Tou and Liu-Jiao.
          (2) Dong-Shi Ministry Site: May the seeds of the Gospel sown in the summer vacation, both children and teenagers, continue to grow and thrive in the Church.

Village Gospel Mission

September 2022