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陳文逸牧師風塵僕僕,美國走透透,北走New York,下走Georgia,中部直達Detroit, Ohio and Missouri,最後來到 Los Angeles 和羅省基督教會的鄉福之友一群二十七人一起愛宴,方才結束一個半月的使徒行蹤,依依不捨的互道再見。



Our brothers and sisters in the Church were greatly encouraged by pastor's visit and his message. We were particularly moved knowing so many people dedicated their youth, their strength ,and their life to further the spreading of the truth of gospel of our Lord Jesus. We will continue our commitments to support the village gospel mission by prayer, and financial support. Our church is organizing a Youth summer gospel/musical mission tour in 2003 and we will maintain contact with you for further details to collaborate the event.

Sincerely in Christ.

Scott Chang Chien, (from Clevenland, Ohio.)


大女兒Dorthy,在德國當宣教士,他們的兒子Jonathan 最近給魏爸爸媽媽帶來了第一個曾孫,取名Cody,因為年青夫婦倆人都上班,所以每週五請了當“太嬤”的魏爸爸媽媽看顧現在才七個禮拜大的小baby.。 難怪前日筆者見到他們倆佬,曾孫的喜樂談個不停,因為在台灣宣教的緣故,錯過了享受孫子的熹樂,神加倍補償,讓他們不但看到了“兒子的兒子”,更享受到照顧“女兒的兒子的兒子”的天倫之樂。看呀,敬畏耶和華的人,必要這樣蒙福。

News Report:

Pastor WenYi came with just simple luggage into the USA. His love and dedication to the gospel was made known as he traveled “with shoes worn out” from New York down to Georgia, and from there up to Detroit, Ohio, and Missouri, and then at last to Los Angeles. We had a love feast given for him and 27 VGM friends who came from Los Angeles Christian Church. He finished the month and a half disciple’s act and unwillingly had to say farewell to us in love.

Pastor WenYi stayed in California for a very short time in which he had to meet with many people. Doctor Lin, the representative from Southern California brought him around to meet the many crammed schedules that were appointed. At one time it was recorded that he attended five appointments in one day. He was being pulled in every direction and luckily his body still left in one piece.

Our thanks goes out to Southern California representative, Doctor Lin. He brought computer and video equipment with him to deliver and give a presentation of Taiwan Missions and their needs. After the presentation they found elder pastor 陳宗清 from early generation 1980 as a VGM co-worker. At Luke Christian Medical Mission Retreat they also met brother 陸榮 who came from an even earlier generation, 1971-1977, and through brother 陸榮, we found two more brothers, 饒孝柏 and 巴析聲. Thanks be to God for their efforts and their visions in needs. They can really be called “The VGM Three Swordsman”.

Our brothers and sisters in the Church were greatly encouraged by pastor’s visit and by the message that he gave. We were particularly moved knowing so many people had dedicated their youth, their strength, and their life to further the spreading of the truth of the gospel of our Lord Jesus. We will continue our commitment to supporting the Village Gospel Mission by prayer and financial support. Our church is organizing a Youth Summer Gospel/Musical Mission Tour in 2003 and will maintain contact with you for further details to collaborate the event.

Sincerely in Christ,

Scott Chang Chien (from Cleveland, Ohio.)

Ms. Webster called

her elder daughter Dorothy who is a missionary in Germany. Dorothy’s son Jonathan and his wife just brought their newly born baby “Cody” to see Mr. and Mrs. Webster, Cody’s great grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Webster need to watch over this little 7-week-old baby every Friday because Jonathan and his wife need to work during the day. No wonder I recently saw Mr. And Ms. Webster talking and acting happier than ever. They have been devoted to Taiwan missions and in being preoccupied with that have missed out on a lot of chances of enjoying the happiness of a great family. May God reward them abundantly so that they not only can see and be with their great grandson Cody, but also enjoy the happiness of being together with their “sons of sons” in a great family. Look! Thus is the man blessed who fears the Lord .

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